GRANULATIONS | Responsive Dreams Festival | Barcelona 2024

Granulations was featured in the main exhibition and live minting experience of Responsive Dreams, a generative art festival held in Granollers, Barcelona, in September 2024.

The artwork combines generative visual art and audio systems, exploring how they can inform and influence each other. It activates with a click, triggering intertwined movement and melodies. Colors and collisions elicit signals that influence each iteration’s unique soundscape, while the audio reciprocally alters the visual space, creating a unified, ever-changing output.

The piece generates a unique generative melody for each iteration. Visual element interactions and collisions trigger new notes, adding to the composition. This creates a symbiosis between two unique systems, effectively generating a third.

Granulations balances musicality and randomness… variable collision detection sensitivity creates diversity between iterations, enhancing the unique character of each generated piece. It’s an experimental investigation of generative art and audio… that explores what happens when we combine two generative systems together, allowing them to inform one another.

Granulations balances musicality and randomness in its audio generation. Melody composition techniques, inspired by Brian Eno, include note offsetting and reordering over time, with randomized offset weights adding subtle variation. Variable collision detection sensitivity creates diversity between iterations, enhancing the unique character of each generated piece.

Granulations is designed to be experienced with both visuals and audio, though it can run without sound or be listened to without visuals.